Under the auspices of
The articles based on presentations presented at the POLYMAT2025 Conference selected by the Guest Editors are eligible for publication in the Special Issue of the journal Materials (Q1, MDPI) with discount on Article Processing Charges (APC) up to 50%.
Topics included:
- stimuli-responsive polymer materials: nano- and microparticles, gels, networks, surfaces, films, composites
- synthetic and natural polymers
- thermo-, light-, force-, redox-, pH-, electric/magnetic field-, and molecule-responsive materials
- synthesis, functionalization and physico-chemical properties
- polymer processing
- varied application: biomedicine, (bio)sensors and actuators, agriculture, robotics etc.
For further details, please visit the Materials Special Issue page https://www.mdpi.com/journal/materials/special_issues/3O5N5CPGQA
Sponsored by

The SILESIAN MEETINGS ON POLYMER MATERIALS POLYMAT2025 conference is a continuation of the meetings of the International Polymer Seminar in Gliwice GSP, organized cyclically since 1995, then the conference in Opole under the name Polimery nad Odrą POLYOR2011, and since 2014 the international conference SILESIAN MEETINGS ON POLYMER MATERIALS POLYMAT.
The planned POLYMAT2025 conference is financed by the NAWA Welcome to Poland project funded by the National Agency for Academic Exchange No. BNP/WTP/2023/1/00015.
The aim of the conference is to exchange current knowledge and create opportunities to exchange experiences in the field of polymerchemistry, closely related to the synthesis, characterization, modification and application of polymers. The conference will be an excellentopportunity to integrate the scientific community of universities and institutes, students, experts and engineers active in the field of precisely constructed polymers for new applications.
As traditional for GSP and POLYMAT meetings, there will be also the possibility to present the research results as the posters within threeposter sessions:
Researchers working in all areas relevant to the subject of the meeting are invited to submit abstracts of the posters.
Exhibitors and sponsors are encouraged to participate by reserving booth space, and becoming a sponsor.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Zabrze.
General Information
Files to download:
Secretary of the conference:
Urszula Szeluga
tel. +48 32 271 60 77 ext. 245
fax: +48 32 271 29 69
e-mail: polymat2025@cmpw-pan.pl
Conference Venue
Please send posters in pdf Version by May 19th, 2025. Posters will be displayed onto the conference website.
The program of meeting will cover plenary lectures and three poster sessions.
Posters should be presented according to template from GENERAL INFORMATION SECTION.
Registration 29.04.2025
Abstract submission 29.04.2025
Conference Fee 29.04.2025
Poster submission 19.05.2025
There is no charge for 100 participants of the conference (maximum of 5 participants per institution).
Priority of registration is important.
For additional applications the fee is PLN 400.
The limit for participation in the POLYMAT2025 conference without a fee has already been reached.
The fee includes participation in symposium events, conference materials, accessto symposium WIFI network, coffee breaks and lunch.
Transfer your fee to:
Centrum Materiałów Polimerowych i Węglowych
Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego
Al. Jerozolimskie 7
00-950 Warszawa
Region Śląski
Ul. Wrocławska 54
40-217 Katowice
Bank account in PLN
IBAN: PL 74 1130 1091 0003 9112 2420 0018
Bank account in EUR
IBAN: 91 1130 1091 0003 9112 2420 0003
Payment title: POLYMAT2025, participant’s name
Barbara Trzebicka, CMPW PAN
Zbigniew Florjańczyk – the Head of Committee
Warsaw University of Technology
Krystyna Czaja
Opole University/Polish Chemical Society – Opole Branch
Jean-François Gérard
Ingénierie des Matériaux Polymères, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon
Valeria Harabagiu
Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of Romanian Academy
Janusz Jurczak
Member of the Presidium and Dean of Division III, Polish Academy of Sciences
Paweł Kulesza
Chairman of the Committee of Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences
Jaroslav Mosnaczek
Polymer Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Maria Nowakowska
Jagiellonian University
Stanisław Penczek
Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies,
Polish Academy of Sciences
Petar Petrov
Institute of Polymers, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Robert Pietrzak
Adam Mickiewicz University/ Chairman of the Polish Chemical Society
Stergios Pispas
National Hellenic Research Foundation, Greece
Brigitte Voit
Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden
Urszula Szeluga– the Head of Committee
Marcelina Bochenek
Aleksander Foryś
Marcin Godzierz
Katarzyna Jelonek
Klaudia Kurtyka
Barbara Mendrek
Marta Musioł
Natalia Oleszko-Torbus
Alicja Utrata-Wesołek
Ewa Matkowska
Holger Frey
Johannes Gutenberg University, Niemcy
„Isomerization of poly(ethylene glycol): A strategy for the evasion of immune recognition by rPEGs”
Minna Hakkarainen
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Szwecja
“Designing polymers for circularity”
Baki Hazer
Kapadokya University, Nevşehir, Turcja
„Bioactive food packaging materials based on cost effective olefin polymers”
Bela Ivan
HUN-REN Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Węgry
„Nanostructured polymer conetworks, their gels and nanohybrids”
Jannick Duchet Rumeau
Ingénierie des Matériaux Polymères, INSA-CNRS, Francja
„Designing and tailoring the interfaces in the carbon filled composites”
The accommodation has to be arranged by the participants themselves.
HOTEL DIAMENT is the main conference hotel.
Hotel Diament
Hotel Diament Zabrze
ul. 3-go Maja 122a
41-800 Zabrze
tel: +48 32 721 10 00
fax: +48 32 721 10 01
e-mail: zabrze@hotelediament.pl
www: https://www.hotelediament.pl/hotele/hotel-diament-zabrze/
The list of other recommended hotels is presented below:
Zielony Ogród
ul. Miki 3 41-811 Zabrze woj. śląskie email: recepcja@ZielonyOgrod-Zabrze.pl www.ZielonyOgrod-Zabrze.pl Tel.: (32) 275-63-33 Tel.: (32) 733-66-32 fax: 32 275 63 33
ul. Franciszkańska 8 41-819 Zabrze Tel: 0048 32/376 00 40, fax: 32/376 00 43 e-mail: recepcja@hotelalpex.pl www.hotelalpex.pl
Hotel IBIS
ul. Jagiellońska 4 41-800 – ZABRZEPOLSKA Tel. : (+48)32/7777000 Faks : (+48)32/7777007 H3373@accor.com
Willa Ambasador
ul. 3 Maja 78, 41-800 Zabrze tel. (32) 271 50 44 fax. (032) 271 50 44 e-mail: ambasador@mosir.zabrze.pl
Zabrzański Gosciniec
Aleja Bohaterów Monte Cassino 9
41-800 Zabrze
+48 32 278-32-36
Valdi Classic
Valdi Classic, ul. Wyciska 1, 41-806 Zabrze